Tools for Providers
Substitutes Services for Child Care Programs
CCR&R has substitutes available for child care providers in Outagamie, Winnebago and Waupaca. If you are a provider that needs someone to fill in for staff vacations, appointments, or sick days, call our office at 920-886-1211 or email
CCR&R Resource Lending Library
The CCR&R Resource Library contains books, theme boxes, literacy bags, and other early childhood resources for families and child care providers. Laminating is available for a fee. The library is open Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm, and 8am- 12pm on Fridays. Click on the links below for specific resources available at the CCR&R Library:
Ellison & Laminating Service Request Form
Ellison Die Cut Shape and Materials List
Literacy Bags, Flannel Board Sets, Big Books, and Games List
Theme Boxes List ~ $15.00 deposit required
Support Groups for Child Care Providers
CCR&R holds monthly support groups, both in person and virtual, for those who work in the early childhood education profession. Click on links below for more details:
Child Care Leadership Facebook Group- (Virtual)
Child Care Leadership Support Group (Virtual and In-Person at CCR&R)
Child Care Teacher Connection Group (Check current schedule for virtual or in person)
Early Childhood Support Services
Providers- is your child care program in need of a little extra assistance?
Our CCR&R Early Childhood Support Coordinator is available to support programs with challenging behaviors, room arrangements, classroom management techniques, and more!
If your program could use assistance in this area, email
Learn more HERE
Customized Training for EArly Care and Education Programs
CCR&R can customize training to your staff and child care program’s unique needs. CCR&R offers trainings in several format to meet the changing needs of providers and group child care programs, including:
- Online
- virtual
- in person at our CCR&R office
- On-site at your center
- Blended
If you are a director looking for specific training for yourself or team member, send your training interests and requests to
Child Care Business Start Up Assistance
Build Your Business in Family Child Care Information Sessions
Interested in becoming a Family Child Care Provider? Call CCR&R to schedule a virtual Build Your Business in Family Child Care information sessions.
Topics covered include county certification, Youngstar, child and adult food program, and much more! More information about BYB sessions can be found here.
You can also call our Certification/Pre-licensing Specialist at 920-886-0428 or email